Exchange and Return
The exchange / return of goods can be made within 14 days from the date of purchase (the goods did not fit in color, shape, dimensions, size or for other reasons cannot be used).
Rules for the return (exchange) of goods:
- You can return goods only in their original form: complete set, including packaging with a barcode, labels, tags; no traces of wear, dirt, stains, smells of perfumes.
- We do not accept goods:
- That were manufactured with individual requirements or were changed by the request of the buyer (shortened, taken in etc.);
- that were worn, washed or dry cleaned;
- that are without labels and tags;
- that were used for photo or video shoots;
- body, swim suits, lingerie;
- hair accessories, headwear;
- jewelry;
- gift certificates.
- Place the completed return (exchange) application in the parcel with the returned goods - this is a prerequisite for the return (exchange). Returns will not be accepted without an application. All points of the application are required. The indication of accurate and reliable data by the Client in the Application will speed up the procedure for the payment of funds.
- Return shipping is at the buyer's expense. In the event that it is established that the return was due to the fault of the online store, we will compensate the amount of delivery of the returned parcel. Returns sent through the online store will not be accepted. Please note that things should be sent by simple parcels (no cash on delivery). Claims for goods returned by other type of postage will not be accepted.
- If you exchange for the same model (the same item number), it is made without additional payments / payments for the goods, regardless of changes in the price of this product.
When returning or exchanging goods, shipping costs and shipping costs of the Order will not be refunded.
To request a return:
- Contact the store manager. Tell us if you want to return or exchange the product.
- The manager will tell you where and how you need to send the goods you want to return.
- After receiving and checking your order, we will transfer back your funds or send a replacement item.